This beachfront campsite is located in the Junquillal National Refuge, which is a hidden gem located on Northern Guanacaste Coast close to the Nicaragua border. This refuge was established in order to protect the pristine mangroves and dry forest ecosystem in the area, making for a lush and isolated camping area with access to red and black mangrove forests and private beaches.

Once you pay at the ranger station to enter the park, you can park and set up camp on the designated areas right in front of the sea. You’ll be located right on the vast Junqillal Beach, which runs along a small bay and has the perfect calm waters for swimming, paddle boarding, and kayaking. The beach is covered by trees, so you’ll have a nice shady area for relaxing on the beach and enjoying the sea breeze during the day, with spectacular sunsets in the evenings. The campsite has access to shelters, restrooms, showers, outdoor grills and camping tables.

Besides the small ranger station at the entrance of the refuge, this a completely protected area that’s isolated from any human development. You’ll feel totally isolated in nature and surrounded by the sound of the dry forest, with packs of howler monkeys howling throughout the night, and tropical birds chattering in the early mornings.

This large beach campsite allows for plenty of space to camp, even in the high season (November-February) when there are many locals and foreigners visiting the area. This area is a very popular vacation spot for locals during the holidays (Christmas, New Years, Easter, and summer vacations), however they tend to only visit for beach day-trips, so at night you’ll have more privacy for a peaceful night of sleep.