Most visitor of La Fortuna are expecting to get a great view of the majestic Arenal Volcano and this natural park private manage offer the closest hike to the real base of the volcano right on the edge of a natural green lagoon

The hiking on this natural park is deep into the forest, there are several trails to get to the base of the Volcano, are over 8 km of total hiking trails but the shortest one is just 2 km taking you directly to the old lava wall made of stones crowned by the volcano along the years of its peak of activity

The camping spot offers proper showers and restrooms, with a constant cleaning on high season when they are heavily visited by locals and foreigners. Also for the ones spending the night camping they have big fire you can use if you get your own wood

They are heavily visited by groups of hikers on high season though most of them just go for a morning walk leaving the place free for camping at night, just consider there might be some other people camping as well so is always good to consider getting there not to late at the evening

The lake is well stoked for recreational fishing and they even rent kayaks if you wanted to do a full fishing experience, or if you prefer just to enjoy of a kayak ride or a paddle boarding ride you can coordinate with the manager once there

This place is perfect for not just camping and hiking to the volcano base, you can coordinate guided night walks, leave the camping set and ready and walk form there to the free hotsprings place named by the locals “Rio Choyin” is a medium size river where you can enjoy of a natural hotspring water